City of Boyd
Boyd is a small prairie town nestled in the heart of southwestern Minnesota. Boyd is known for its “Good Time Days,” which is the longest running town days in the United States of America. Boyd is home to multiple small businesses, Prairie Grain elevator and its very own historic conservation project, the Boyd Legacy Gardens.
Announcements + Monthly Specials
On behalf of the City of Boyd, Bollig Engineering has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health.
The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) you may also contact us at the Boyd City office (855-2242).
To complete the service line inventory our system went off the Boyd City Water Service line maps.
As of 08/20/2024 our inventory contains 0 lead, 1 galvanized requiring replacement, 0 non-lead service lines.
Nat is getting ready to serve delicious BBQ!
@the Boyd Liquor Store!
City Council Members:
City Administrator: Clausen
Deputy Treasurer: Thaemlitz
Mayor: T. Lein
Deputy Mayor: Thaemlitz
City Council Meetings
2nd Tuesday of Every Month
@ 8 AM at the Boyd City Office
117 3rd St. Boyd, MN 56218